Origin stories

The Michigan Daily, the student newspaper to which I would submit an occasional article in my undergraduate years, has published two lovely articles by Matthew Harmon about the community in which I learned both my adult spirituality and my musical vocabulary. Part 1 is at https:www.michigandaily.com/section/statement/you-cant-bury-canterbury ; it contains my review of a concert by Joni Mitchell at The Canterbury House, as well as some performance shots of a very young Yours Truly. Part 2, at https:www.michigandaily.com/section/statement/you-cant-bury-canterbury-part-2, is a continuation of the story that brings the history of the Canterbury House to the present day. Thanks to Matthew and to the creators and sustainers of that community; my gratitude to Dan Burke, Martin Bell, and my friends Ed Reynolds and Jim Friedrich knows no bounds.